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Dr Pranil Nepal

Dr Pranil Nepal

Consultant Adviser

Dr Pranil Nepal is consultant adviser for Rara Foundation (RF). He is responsible for planning and advising organizational policy and strategies of RF. He along with a small team under his leadership is responsible for developing ToRs & research/development proposals, helping the implementation of projects in the destination areas, and formulating post project performance reports in RF. 


By profession in general, he is freelance researcher, planner and destination areas' development consultant and trainer (lecturer) for a number of thematic areas in tourism like tourism plan, policy and strategy, destinations areas' tourism master plans, tourism management guidelines, destination areas' service operations, etc. In past, he was engaged as a project coordinator in Swiss NCCR North-South funded Partnership Actions for Mitigating Syndromes projects titled ‘Developing a Community based Tourism Model’ in Machhapuchhre Model Trek' in Annapurna conservation area located towards the north of Pokhara, Nepal and ‘Meeting the challenges of Peace-building in Tourism: Strengthening the Corporate Social Responsibility and Tourism Ethical Code of Conducts’ in Pokhara. Before joining RF, he worked as tourism management adviser for UK AiD's SAMARTH NMDP project for tourism industry standards improvement and GIZ's CD Mun and INCLUDE projects for tourism destination areas policy, strategy and development plans formulation. 


He has contributed for the formulation of tourism master plans for Besishahar Municipality, Ghodaghodi Lake Area (Ghogaghodai Municipality), and formulation of business model and plan of Tourism Development Society in Sudurpaschim province.  He is also Great Himalaya Trails (GHT) certified trekking trail auditor and holds tour and trek guide licenses in Nepal.  He was engaged in the formulation of Trail Standards Guidelines of Nepal in association with SAMARTH project of UK Aid, World Trails Network and Green flag Trails International. He has audited a number of trekking trails in Nepal like Ruby Valley Ganesh Himal, Makalu Base Camp, Rara to Khaptad, Chepang Hills Trails, etc. He holds a PhD on tourism from Kathmandu University and Masters Degree on Tourism Management from Kathmandu Academy of Tourism and Hospitality (Purbanchal University).